Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ask 问或要求


Wishing doesn’t make it so. Ask, and you at least have a chance. Ask anybody, ask everybody, ask God. Ask for help with the dishes. Ask for a ride because you don’t have a car. Ask what it’s going to take for you to get a promotion. Ask a friend for a loan of $2,000. Ask a beloved to hold you just one luscious minute more. When a stranger asks how old you are, ask Why does it matter? Ask someone over for breakfast, then ask whether they want hot fudge or peanut butter on their ice cream. Ask the Goddess if you can crawl into her lap and lay your head on her big beautiful breasts. Ask yourself why it’s so hard to ask. And even harder to receive. When the brownies are absolutely divine, ask for the recipe. When the seminar is terminally boring, ask to be excused.

仅仅心里希望并不起作用。问吧,至少你有一次机会。问任何人,问每一个人,问上帝。 请求帮助你洗碗。如果你没开车,请求让你搭一段车。问你要怎样做才能得到升职。问一个朋友借2000块。要求你喜欢的人再多给你一分钟甜美的拥抱。当一个陌生人问你的年龄的时候,问年龄有什么关系?邀请朋友过来吃早餐,然后问他们的冰激凌是要热巧克力?还是花生酱?请求仙女能不能让你爬到她的腿上依偎你的头在她美丽硕大的胸脯上。问你自己为什么这么难开口去要求?甚至更难去收受?如果布朗宁如此香甜可口,要食谱吧。当培训课乏味透顶的时候,请求原谅离场。

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blossom 开花


When it’s time, when you can’t wait another moment, unfold your petals and display your grandeur. Do it when you’re twenty-eight or when you’re fifty-three or when you’re eighty-four. Open up to the world with a glow and an attitude that says Yes, now I am really here. Pick up a paintbrush, a hammer, a baseball. Go to law school, learn to drive, take swimming lessons, run for office. Send out announcements. Throw yourself a party. Because now your time has come and the world had better make room for you like never before. Just like a magnificent flower, you’ll go from tightly closed and protected to full and fragrant and open and unforgettable. Whether you’re an early bloomer or a late bloomer, one thing is sure: you will feel as though you’ve waited forever, only to burst forth “overnight” when you least expect it.



Friday, January 14, 2011

Believe 相信


Believe the power of believing. Say I believe and believe it. Believe in fairy tales for what they can teach you about real life. Believe in happy endings, and believe that they don’t always happen. Believe in something, anything, that gives you the courage and strength to continue on when it would be so easy to give up. Believe it when a friend says you’re beautiful. Believe it when you hear the words you deserve to be happy. When someone tells you something, believe the parts that feel right, that resonate in your belly, and discard the rest. Believe that you have choices and that you can choose wisely. Believe your own instincts above anyone else’s. Believe that you can do more with your life than you’re doing, and then do it. Above all, believe in yourself. When something seems truly unbelievable, it may be worth believing.
Can you believe that?




Thursday, January 13, 2011

Begin 开始


Start something. Put one foot in front of the other and inch forward ever so slightly. Show up. Say Hello and begin a conversation. Write one sentence and begin your novel. Begin again, this time in a different key, at a different tempo. Begin putting yourself first. Begin enjoying it. Begin an intentional community if that’s how you want to live. Begin a reading group and focus on women who made bold new beginnings. Begin a new way of eating, a new way of moving, a new way of getting yours needs met. Begin as soon as you finish reading this page. Begin at the beginning and don’t ever think where it will take you. Now begin.


开始做些什么吧。把一只脚放到另一只脚的前面一英寸一英寸的挪步。出现。说你好然后开始一段对话。写一句话然后开始你的小说。再开始一次,这次以不同的音调,不同的节奏。开始把你自己放在第一位。开始享受其中。开始一个对生活有理想和目标的小组,如果那是你想要的生活方式的话。开始一个阅读小组重点看那些女人怎样创造勇敢的开始。开始一种新的饮食方式,一种新的行动方式,一种新的让你自己的需求得到满足的方式。读完这篇文章就开始。在开始的时候开始,然后不再去想它会把你带到哪儿。现在, 开始。

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Allow 允许


Allow yourself to ask for what you need. Allow yourself to need help, to need love, to need other people. Give yourself permission to say This is what I need, to say it without shame, without guilt. Now allow yourself to receive what is offered. Allow yourself to be human. Allow yourself the luxury of screwing up now and then, of being less than perfect. Allow yourself to lay it all down and bereathe. Now allow someone else to help you pick up the pieces. Give her permission to love you in the only way she knows how. Every so often, allow yourself to forget about the bills and the phone calls and the deadlines. Allow yourself the freedom to feel exactly how you feel, to be exactly where you are in any given moment. Allow others the freedom to do the same.


允许你自己去要求你需要的东西。允许你自己需要帮助,需要爱,需要其他人。给你自己许可去说这是我需要的, 没有惭愧, 无需内疚。现在,允许你自己去接受别人所提供的。允许你自己做真正的人。给你自己奢侈时不时把事情搞砸,允许你自己不够完美。允许你自己全都发泄出来然后喘口气呼吸。现在允许别人来帮助你收拾残局。给他/她许可去用他/她唯一知道的方式来爱你。时不时,允许你自己去忘记账单,电话和截止期限。给你自己自由去感受你的真正感受,每时每刻都与真正的你同在。同样,允许别人也有这样的自由。

Monday, January 10, 2011

Act 行动


When it’s time, get moving.
After you’ve reflected and meditated, waited, prayed, and reaffirmed, act. Act on your instincts. Act without delay. Send the letter. Make the call. Pack the box. Issue the invitation. Get on the plane. Act already! Act with your own best interests at heart. Act in accordance with your most closely held values. Act mindfully. Act on behalf of the very young or the very old or the very needy. Now and then, act half your age. Act out in your own living room, act up in public. Strut around and act as though you own the joint. Act like the woman you’ve always wanted to be – and don’t act surprised when suddenly you are!


当你已经冥思过,反省过,等待过,祈祷过,并且再次确定过,那就行动吧。遵循你的直觉行动。不再拖延。寄出那封信。打那个电话。装好那个箱子。发出邀请函。坐上飞机。已经行动了!按你内心最好的想法行动。遵循你最深信不疑的价值观。谨慎的行动。代表那些年幼的, 年老的,或最需要的去行动。时不时,象你才一半现在的年纪去行动。在你自己的起居室,或者在公众场所。昂首阔步,好象你拥有一切。象你一直想成为的那个女人行动 -但不要感到惊讶当你突然就是那个你一直想成为的女人!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Accept 接受


Recognize what you can change and what you can’t. In every moment, accept that everything is as it should be. Accept that your body is round and fat and glorious. Just love it. Accept that you don’t do things the way everyone else does. Just embrace it. Accept that sometimes your belly hurts, sometimes you don’t have enough money to pay the light bill, sometimes life is too hard. Just cry and move through it. Accept that you can’t do it all – and who would want to, anyway? Accept a kind word. Don’t apologize. Accept a gift – no matter how big, how small. Say Thank you without embarrassment. Accept that life isn’t always fair and find the wonder in that, too. Don’t accept things that aren’t yours, like misdirected shame and blame. Like credit for someone else’s accomplishment. Like disrespect. Accept everything you are and nothing you are not.

识别什么是你能改变的,什么是你不能改变的。每时每刻,接受任何事物现在的样子都是它应该是的样子。接受你的身体又圆又胖又美好。爱你的身体。接受你不按别人的方式做事。拥抱你的方式。接受有时候你的肚子疼,有时候你不能付电费,有时候生活太艰难。哭吧,经历它,然后继续做你该做的。接受你不能做所有的事情 - 事实上,谁愿意做所有的事情呢?接受一句善意的话。不要道歉。接受礼物 - 无论大小。无需尴尬地说谢谢你。接受生活不总是公平的,在其中找它的奇妙。别接受不属于你的东西,比如错误的羞耻或责怪,比如别人的成就和业绩,比如不尊敬。接受是你的每一方面,不接受不是你的任何方面。

Dedication 致

This book is dedicated to you, and to the infinite spirit of well-being that lies within you.
