Sunday, January 9, 2011

Accept 接受


Recognize what you can change and what you can’t. In every moment, accept that everything is as it should be. Accept that your body is round and fat and glorious. Just love it. Accept that you don’t do things the way everyone else does. Just embrace it. Accept that sometimes your belly hurts, sometimes you don’t have enough money to pay the light bill, sometimes life is too hard. Just cry and move through it. Accept that you can’t do it all – and who would want to, anyway? Accept a kind word. Don’t apologize. Accept a gift – no matter how big, how small. Say Thank you without embarrassment. Accept that life isn’t always fair and find the wonder in that, too. Don’t accept things that aren’t yours, like misdirected shame and blame. Like credit for someone else’s accomplishment. Like disrespect. Accept everything you are and nothing you are not.

识别什么是你能改变的,什么是你不能改变的。每时每刻,接受任何事物现在的样子都是它应该是的样子。接受你的身体又圆又胖又美好。爱你的身体。接受你不按别人的方式做事。拥抱你的方式。接受有时候你的肚子疼,有时候你不能付电费,有时候生活太艰难。哭吧,经历它,然后继续做你该做的。接受你不能做所有的事情 - 事实上,谁愿意做所有的事情呢?接受一句善意的话。不要道歉。接受礼物 - 无论大小。无需尴尬地说谢谢你。接受生活不总是公平的,在其中找它的奇妙。别接受不属于你的东西,比如错误的羞耻或责怪,比如别人的成就和业绩,比如不尊敬。接受是你的每一方面,不接受不是你的任何方面。

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