Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ask 问或要求


Wishing doesn’t make it so. Ask, and you at least have a chance. Ask anybody, ask everybody, ask God. Ask for help with the dishes. Ask for a ride because you don’t have a car. Ask what it’s going to take for you to get a promotion. Ask a friend for a loan of $2,000. Ask a beloved to hold you just one luscious minute more. When a stranger asks how old you are, ask Why does it matter? Ask someone over for breakfast, then ask whether they want hot fudge or peanut butter on their ice cream. Ask the Goddess if you can crawl into her lap and lay your head on her big beautiful breasts. Ask yourself why it’s so hard to ask. And even harder to receive. When the brownies are absolutely divine, ask for the recipe. When the seminar is terminally boring, ask to be excused.

仅仅心里希望并不起作用。问吧,至少你有一次机会。问任何人,问每一个人,问上帝。 请求帮助你洗碗。如果你没开车,请求让你搭一段车。问你要怎样做才能得到升职。问一个朋友借2000块。要求你喜欢的人再多给你一分钟甜美的拥抱。当一个陌生人问你的年龄的时候,问年龄有什么关系?邀请朋友过来吃早餐,然后问他们的冰激凌是要热巧克力?还是花生酱?请求仙女能不能让你爬到她的腿上依偎你的头在她美丽硕大的胸脯上。问你自己为什么这么难开口去要求?甚至更难去收受?如果布朗宁如此香甜可口,要食谱吧。当培训课乏味透顶的时候,请求原谅离场。

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