Thursday, January 13, 2011

Begin 开始


Start something. Put one foot in front of the other and inch forward ever so slightly. Show up. Say Hello and begin a conversation. Write one sentence and begin your novel. Begin again, this time in a different key, at a different tempo. Begin putting yourself first. Begin enjoying it. Begin an intentional community if that’s how you want to live. Begin a reading group and focus on women who made bold new beginnings. Begin a new way of eating, a new way of moving, a new way of getting yours needs met. Begin as soon as you finish reading this page. Begin at the beginning and don’t ever think where it will take you. Now begin.


开始做些什么吧。把一只脚放到另一只脚的前面一英寸一英寸的挪步。出现。说你好然后开始一段对话。写一句话然后开始你的小说。再开始一次,这次以不同的音调,不同的节奏。开始把你自己放在第一位。开始享受其中。开始一个对生活有理想和目标的小组,如果那是你想要的生活方式的话。开始一个阅读小组重点看那些女人怎样创造勇敢的开始。开始一种新的饮食方式,一种新的行动方式,一种新的让你自己的需求得到满足的方式。读完这篇文章就开始。在开始的时候开始,然后不再去想它会把你带到哪儿。现在, 开始。

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