Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Allow 允许


Allow yourself to ask for what you need. Allow yourself to need help, to need love, to need other people. Give yourself permission to say This is what I need, to say it without shame, without guilt. Now allow yourself to receive what is offered. Allow yourself to be human. Allow yourself the luxury of screwing up now and then, of being less than perfect. Allow yourself to lay it all down and bereathe. Now allow someone else to help you pick up the pieces. Give her permission to love you in the only way she knows how. Every so often, allow yourself to forget about the bills and the phone calls and the deadlines. Allow yourself the freedom to feel exactly how you feel, to be exactly where you are in any given moment. Allow others the freedom to do the same.


允许你自己去要求你需要的东西。允许你自己需要帮助,需要爱,需要其他人。给你自己许可去说这是我需要的, 没有惭愧, 无需内疚。现在,允许你自己去接受别人所提供的。允许你自己做真正的人。给你自己奢侈时不时把事情搞砸,允许你自己不够完美。允许你自己全都发泄出来然后喘口气呼吸。现在允许别人来帮助你收拾残局。给他/她许可去用他/她唯一知道的方式来爱你。时不时,允许你自己去忘记账单,电话和截止期限。给你自己自由去感受你的真正感受,每时每刻都与真正的你同在。同样,允许别人也有这样的自由。

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